
Download and print out 12 free colouring Sheets.

Kids Party Entertainer - Melbourne Magician

An ideal activity for the kids to do at your Childs Birthday Party while they are waiting for Tim Credible to arrive. Gives them something fun to do and stops them running through the house!

How to Download

Free colouring Sheets for your kids Magic Birthday Party

Click download. Right Click on the image that appears and save as to your computer.

Now print it out.


Tim Credible and Douzie Bitting Hat

Free Colouring Sheet - Tim Credible the Magician and Douzie the Dragon

Tim Credible and a Kid in a Bubble

Tim Credible Kid in Bubble

Tim Credible crowd going wild

Kids Laughing and cheering for Tim Credible

Douzie and Kids with Balloon Creations

Balloon Workshop Colouring in Sheet

Tim Credible - Bubble Magic Parties

Tim Credible and Balloon Magic

Birthday Party Balloon Animals

Tim Credible Hat Juggling colouring

Tim Credible Free Kids Colouring Sheet

Tim Credible - Magic Colouring Book

Melbourne Magic Show for Birthday Parties

Tim Credible's Dog "ACE" Colouring In

Melbourne Bubble Shows

Tim Credible - Bubble Magic Parties

Colouring Sheet Tim Credible the Magicain

Tim Credible Performing Magic

Tim Credible doing Magic Tricks

Tim Credible' and Douzie the Dragon

Free Tim Credible and Douzie Colouring Sheet

Magician Melbourne